Friday, August 27, 2010

Ralph Steadman

Ralph Steadman is a brilliant cartoonist and mixed media artist. I first found out about Steadman through Hunter S. Thompson, an author and journalist who is famous for Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and the "gonzo" method of journalism.

Anatolii Ivanovich Sivkov

Anatolii Ivanovich Sivkov is considered to be a contemporary artist. I love Anatolii's unique lined paintings with earthy/dingy color schemes.

Lyubov Popova

 Lyubov Popova is a painter who focuses on cubism. Popova was also a rarity in the highly masculine world of Soviet art.

John Piper

John Piper caught my eye last year during my British literature class. Piper is best known for his amazing watercolor paintings. He varies from slightly realistic to abstract. John has also designed stained glass windows for various churches around the U.K.

Matt W. Moore

Matt W. Moore is a painter and a graphic designer. Moore is best known for his very wild color schemes and geometrical designs. Matt has done work for Nike, Mountain Dew, and many other companies ranging from local stores to other major businesses. Matt's popularity is slowing growing and I hope that soon most artist will know of him.

Matt's blog: